Tuesday, November 10, 2009

General Casey, Dr. Phil -- Leave It To The Women To Man Up Around Here

Dorothy Rabinowitz demolishes Dr. Phil and the General

His terrorist motive is obvious to everyone but the press and the Army brass.

What is hard to ignore, now, is the growing derangement on all matters involving terrorism and Muslim sensitivities. Its chief symptoms: a palpitating fear of discomfiting facts and a willingness to discard those facts and embrace the richest possible variety of ludicrous theories as to the motives behind an act of Islamic terrorism. All this we have seen before but never in such naked form. The days following the Fort Hood rampage have told us more than we want to know, perhaps, about the depth and reach of this epidemic.

I don't have time today, or in this life, and I suspect neither does America. At least the America that still has a swingin' set of ovaries like Ms. Rabinowitz does, toting more testosterone in her set than do, apparently, our Army generals tote in their testicles -- assuming they still have sacs worthy of the name.

Dr. Phil? What would one expect? He ran with Oprah for years. So, apparently, do generals. I know a Commander in Chief who does. And all that has gotten us is futher ninnyism.

H/T to Bill Bennett who spoke of Rabinowitz this a.m. And who, by-the-by, featured Steve Forbes on his show this morning too. Saw Forbes at the Reagan Library last week. He was his usual excellent self. Succinct like that. This morning? Speaking with Dr. Bennett he called the Army general's sad political correctness dance lethal nonsense. I think that was the term. Easy to believe these days a guy like Forbes is more the man than General Casey.

One might expect, or be not surprised, by such nonsense from the pulpit -- more on that when I get the time -- and from the Phil couch and the Oprah couch -- but not from our military leaders. General Patton where are you?

And H/T to Jennifer Rubin.

PS Rabinowitz is so good today that Rubin did not offer any commentary. Nice.
PS2 Notice Rabinowitz called it a rampage, not a spree. Spree is a girlyword.
Kill the bastards dead. I understand that. More importantly, so do they.
Recommended Reading for this morning: Do a Google blog search for General Casey. Blogs, I said, not news. It ain't pretty. As the truth so often is ain't.
Late Morning Update: You know I love me a good illustration and Stogie gives us this gem over at Sabertooth.
Duck fiversity.

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