Friday, November 13, 2009

Don Surber Is Not Happy But We Are

Happy because Surber is fluent in truth and speaks courage to coward.
And we're happy enough to hear the refreshing, blunt truth that we interrupt this Shabbat for words from Surber:
KSM Collects His First Virgin

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed collected the first of his 72 virgins: Barack Obama.
This child — this spoiled brat who has been handed everything — who has never held a job — who has been told all his life how wonderful he is — who accepts no responsibility at all for anything — who blames others for all his problems — whose only accomplishment in life is not being George Bush — got rolled.
Big time.
President Obama’s decision to try KSM as if he were a purse-snatcher bares once and for all shows how shallow our president is. He is ignorant of history and of legal precedent. He would rather draw down the U.S. security forces to protect KSM so that KSM can have the world stage in New York City than trust his own military to try the man. The same military justice system that covers those soldiers he praised a few days ago should be good enough for this scum sucker, KSM.
My final comment: Obama is a coward. A man would have held a press conference and announced it and defended his stand. He is in Asia instead. The media vetted Joe the Plumber better than the man who is now president. The result is feeble attempts to bully critics, a refusal to acknowledge the loyal opposition and a dithering foreign policy.
Let's repeat: "A man would have held a press conference and announced it and defended his stand."
Obama is what he is and he is no man.
Who was it said Obama's not much more than a Macy's perfume model?
Thanks, Surber, for calling a spade a spade.
As you know, I have a friend, well, many really, who still love love love Obama. One in particular -- and particularly beloved -- told me recently that he "Never thought this Obama presidency would be a transformative presidency." I thought two things when he said that. 1) Beloved friend is fibbing and 2) He's wrongo.

This is a transformative presidency. But not in the way many might have hoped.

Thanks Surber, too, for calling a coward a coward. Me thinks this is only the beginning. Over at American Spectator earlier this week Mark Hyman stated the equally plain truth that this is a president who despises America.
And so does his unhappy wife.
And everyone knows it.

H/T Jonah's Mom

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