Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Sarah Palin, Rogue Update

Audacious Dreamy Hopes From My Moose Hunting Father

Over at US Snooze they're noting a rumor that Our Governor Mrs. Todd Palin is planning a separate, less secular, more "Christian" version of her forthcoming memoir, Going Rogue, repeating the speculation while reporting it as false -- false as most everything else that has been said about her since August '09.

Somewhere in the bowels of Politico they've reported on the possibility of "a slight addition on faith for the Zondervan edition." Must be where Snooze found the rumoriod.

I don't care, or have an opinion, pro or con, on the two editions approach to book sellin'. Heck, I'll buy both versions and a third for my Kindle.

Meanwhile the skanks at TIME rag wants to know:

How Did Our Governor Mrs. Todd Palin Write Her Memoir So Fast?

How'd she write so fast?
We know the answer:
Mr. Todd Palin asked Bill Ayers to write it for her. See also: ABC.

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