Monday, October 12, 2009

Iran -- Obambi -- Speaking Truth To Stupid

You, yes even you, are too intelligent to ignore the occasional truth.
Profiles in Courage
J. E. DYER - 10.12.2009 - 5:30 PM
The editors of the Wall Street Journal and [surprisingly, even that Obama-protecting rag] the Washington Post suggest that this year’s Nobel Peace Prize should have gone to Iran’s imprisoned and battered reform protesters (specifically, said the Post [that Obama-apologist rag], to Neda Agha-Soltan) instead of to Barack Obama.
Both op-eds focus on the encouragement such an award would have been for the cause of political reform in Iran; the Journal also speculates that a Nobel might have made a difference to the fate of the three Iranian dissidents sentenced to death over the weekend for their participation in the post-election protests.

Only brought up that Nobel joke again because of the kool-ade drinkers over at Post and their odd, late, uncharacteristic, welcome mention of Neda Agha-Soltan.
Rest In Peace,
Neda Agha-Soltan

Seems like you were
a Community Organizer
who actually acted.
Rather than one who
merely talked talked talked
talked talked talked --
and oh, yeah, talked
and chose to love the demonic
Jeremiah Wright, making him
your surrogate daddy.

Too bad you were in Iran,
Neda Agha-Soltan,
rather than the south side of Chicago.
That geographical anomaly
renders you dead rather than
roaming the halls of the mighty.
A Nobel Peace Prize means never having to explain your lack of interest in human rights.
Chicago/Punahou profiles in courage.

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