Sunday, October 25, 2009

Gratitude Interlude

If you're here from The Other McCain's
FMJRA / Thoughtful Atheists Update link where Mr. Smith notes:
Boom Boom Boom had a post on Sharia in Arizona that linked us;
or if you're here because of the Rule 5 Sunday / LFL linkyluv link, where Mr. Smith says:
Boom Boom Boom weighs in with a potential threat to the Lingerie Football League;
or if you're here from OmDeHoek -- or his FaceBook post;
then Welcome, Welcome.

Thanks, Smitty, thanks, Doug.
And just kidding about the shirts.
You: Wear 'em or don't. We don't care.
We: Maintain some personal modesty here.
It's in the morals clause of our annual contract. Subsection: Dress Code.
Though, we do kinda like skin. Yours, ours. Kinda a lot.
And we do pour whiskey on Sundays, right after church.
Don't get impatient, we go to early mass.
Please: No Flemish Terrorist (wooden) Shoes.

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