Friday, September 4, 2009

Think Before You Yap, Honey

Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Blythe "Hillary!" Clinton is upset about a-b-o-r-t-i-o-n. Yes, abortion.
Well, not abortion per se.
But some abortions. And some infanticides.
Of girls.
She has outspokenout around the globe about the scourge of killing our girl children.
Apparently killing boys is okay.
Secretary Clinton, the most cheated on woman in America,
has -- even at her advanced age -- and even by accident,
even without thinking it through before pronouncing her pronouncement,
grasped an essential truth:
It is wrong to kill baby girls.
Hear hear.

But guess what?
It might also be wrong to kill baby boys, Mrs. William Jefferson Blythe "Hillary!" Clinton.
Uh huh.
And it is wrong to kill baby gays.
It is wrong to kill baby down syndromes.
It is wrong to kill baby red-haired step-children.
It is wrong to kill baby "you're really badly timed, child" babies.
And left-handed babies.
And obesity gene babies.
And scholarly not athletic babies.
And, even, Republican babies.
For starters, you assholes.
Hey, Mrs. William Jefferson Blythe "Hillary!" Clinton, just saying.
The problem is not sex selection abortion.
The problem is abortion.
Many politicians desperately hope that the issue will just go away. But it won't.
Tain't a choice, sorry. Tis a child. Sorry.
What? Don't they teach logic at Wellesley?
You skipped those classes?
Logic up, Hon.

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