Thursday, August 27, 2009


Perhaps The Most Idiotic "Debate" Ever

Can't get enough of this father of five. Ever seen his youth-speedo pics? Here, I'll include 'em. No wonder Mrs. Other McCain seems contenta.

I'm not saying I'm gaying when I mention his speedo pics, I'm just saying not every guy can don the speedo and get away with it. Obviously the young Other McCain can/could.

I'm in favor of foreskining myself, but (tmi) I'm cut and it's -- oh never mind. (Pics available on request.) Heh. Still, Mr. Other McCain makes me laugh out loud every day, no less so when he speaks of penis's, and moreso when he addresses Der Beagle's sad and sorry opinion on any/everything. Sully: cuddle up with your hubby and hush now, willya?

TOMcC is a prophet, fo sho.
Grab a cup of STFU, you foreskin-fascinated freaks! By your folly you are in danger of inciting wrath such as befell the residents Shalem, when Shechem the son of Hamor the Hivite offended Levi and Simeon by shamefully mistreating their sister, Jacob and Leah's daughter Dinah.

Somehow, that old story seems relevant. Look it up, heathen -- and beware!
What did Isaiah say? Oh yeah: All flesh is grass.
Der Beagle Update: from PTown 9/11/09

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