Wednesday, July 15, 2009

So Adorable When Miffed

Watch Lemon’s response around thirty seconds in. It looks like someone gently pokes him with a stun gun.
Can we go back to that moment again? But this time, producers, let’s slow-mo it.
Joy! In that instant, you learn a couple of valuable things:

-Lemon is adorable when he’s miffed
-It’s always hilarious when a reporter’s assumptions aren’t met

Blinded by ObamaLove, Lemon overlooks the fact that Bush is pretty much a hero in Africa – ALL of Africa -- ending brutal wars, giving tons of humanitarian aid, and most important saving millions of lives fighting AIDS and malaria (a disease brought to you not just by mosquitoes, but by your average environmentalist and his misguided hatred toward DDT).
-In sum, when it comes to Africa, Obama has some pretty big shoes to fill. How disturbing it must be for Lemon, that they belong to Bush.
Still has his groove thing going on.
Miss him yet?
Thanks, GG.

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