Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Who Are These People?

Who votes for them? What is this party?

Straight from the AP:
Democrats block compassionate bid to extend DC vouchers to children of the poor
14 hours ago

WASHINGTON (AP) — Senate Democrats have dealt a setback to a school voucher program that gives schoolchildren in the nation's capital the chance to attend private schools.

The Senate voted 50-39 along mostly party lines to reject a bid by Nevada Sen. John Ensign to extend the program beyond the 2009-2010 school year. That leaves in place a provision contained in a huge spending bill that requires Congress and the Washington, D.C. government to re-approve the program. Republicans say that is likely to kill it.

About 1,700 mostly low-income and minority students kids receive the $7,500 vouchers, which offer an alternative to the troubled D.C. school system.

The White House is not fond of the program but issued a statement saying currently enrolled kids should not have their educations disrupted.
We all know I'm a wait'n'see kinda guy, often hoping (if I may use that word) I'm wrongo. But I never am. Wrongo. Plus: I try not to have issues. Issues are for those who care. And I don't. Care. But some days issues have me. Here're 1700 kids -- including two at Sidwell Friends, where the Obama chillin's go -- condemned, yeah, that's the word, condemned by the Democrats to DC public school education. WTF? And oh yeah, Sidwell tuition is $28,442 per child per year. Plus additonal fees. Good enough for we, too bad for thee, poor little DC loserkind. Say one thing, do another. Your compassionate Democrats at work.

Look, it's clear he's a devoted father and family man, our President Obama. What about his power to affect the families of others in a positive way? Why else seek the job? Affect away. It's only a few million$ for these kids.

Voucher Kids

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