Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Alexander the Great, Hephaestion, Bagoas, Persian Boy, Philip of Macedon, Olympias, Roxane, Buchephalus, Mary Renault

Greek Orthodox Courtier/Archbishop Compares Obama to Alexander, son of Philip of Macedon, lover of Hephaestion, rider of Bucephalus, lover and slave-owner of Bagoas the Persian eunuch.
At the White House’s celebration of Greek Independence Day
Wednesday afternoon, President Obama got a little
unexpected flattery from Archbishop Demetrios,
the head of the Greek Orthodox Church in the United States.

Listing a series of challenges Obama will need to
deal with as president, Demetrios predicted:
Demetrios to Obama: "Following the brilliant example
of Alexander the will be able to cut
the Gordian knot of these unresolved issues."

Me? I love Alexander. Or the story of Alexander, the
violence and brutality of the times notwithstanding.
Sure I read Mary Renault when I was a kid.
How could one not?
And sure I read Valerio Massimo Manfredi a few years ago.
(In translation, alas.)
How could one not?
But hey Mr. Burns, you know your history?
You don't see any discrepancies between metropoof community organizer and stud conquerer of the known world?
But you're right, unexpected or totally-to-be-expected, that was flattery.
Flattery in the classical, historical, royal, clerical courtier sense...

If Slick Willie was the first black president, does this make Obama
the first um, Greek president? Hey, the Archbishop brought this up, not me.

Does this make Rahm Emmanuel Hephaestion?

Or does this make Rahm Emmanuel Bagoas, Obama's Persian Boy?

Is Michelle Obama now Roxane, Alexander's Bactrian/Afghani wife?

And doesn't Hilary Rodham Kissinger play a convincing Olympias, the Great One's serpenty, coniving, murderous mother?

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