Friday, January 23, 2009

War Criminal Continuity

Killer Obama missiles fired from a suspected Great Satan aerial drone killed seven Homo sapiens today on the Pakistan side of the Afghan border, a lawless region -- unless you consider شريعة to be a form of law -- where sniveling al-Qaida butchers are known to bunker in their hidey-holes, officials said.

The strike was the first on Pakistani territory since the immaculation of President Barrack Obama and his Continuity You Can Believe In administration assumed the joysticks of unlimited power.

Despite the fact that hope is for chumps, Pakistani leaders had expressed hope Obama would halt the attacks, more than 30 of which have been launched in the past few months, reportedly killing several (well, that's a start) senior blood-thirsty adherents of the religion of peace.

While such strikes were evidence of war crimes only days ago when BushHitler was President no word yet on whether these strikes are currently acceptable to Code Pink, Cusack-Penn and Cindy Sheehan, patriots all, since Kenyan-American Obama is now Commander-In-Chief .

Though the (air quotes) pro-U.S. (closed-air-quotes) "government" of Pakistan routinely protests such strikes as trampling their sovereignty, everyone knows Islamabad actually welcomes more deaths among its own haplessly stupid sheeple.

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