Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Prayers Of Gratitude

Ben Stein goes to see Defiance. Then he prays. Then he reviews:

To put it mildly, the movie was mind-bogglingly depressing and upsetting. The suffering, misery, and terror of these people, my blood, was almost beyond belief.
But the movie served a purpose. As I left the theater, I knelt on the pavement of the parking lot to thank God for letting me be in 2009 America instead of 1941 Byelorussia.

Me? I believe Stein did kneel in the parking lot to pray. Why not?

Read the whole thing here.

Defiance previously mentioned here.
Denby Refresher: "The movie is a kind of realistic fairy tale set in a forest newly enchanted by the sanctified work of staying alive."

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