Saturday, January 10, 2009

Paul Kersey

Life Wish Marathon
Oh yeah, it's the 35th anniversary of the first appearance of Paul Kersey (Official Architect of this page, don't forget). American Movie Channel (God bless them) hasn't forgotten Mr. Kersey -- or his contributions to civilization. Without Kersey could Guilianni ever have cleaned up Manhattan acoupla decades later?
What was the name of that theatre up near Harlem where the G and I sat in the balcony to see the original opening? The Olympia? 106th Street and Broadway? Long time ago. Who can recall all the details? I can only recall the Hancock score, the dark room, the balcony, the lusty cheering of the crowd up there, the sense that justice is possible, and: New York in the 70's. What couldda been better?
Now, because we've hesitated to add this video to the first one over there on the upper right, we'll go ahead and place it here for now. Cryptically, it's titled: Every Gunshot from the Deathwish Movies (Part 2/2). Yes, it's appropriate for children.
What, you mean you never scrolled over that picture of Kersey up there? Point'n'Click there for Part 1.

What you mean you never read Talbot's book?

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