Friday, January 9, 2009

Mr. Vice President

I love the guy. And his wife. Not only because of Haliburton. What a company! Or because my respect drives my friends and colleagues extra-nutty. Or because he don't need my love. He ain't needy. Wanted him to run in '94. We got Doled. And Lewinsky'd. This week Jay Nordlinger, in Darth Vader Speaks, notes of Cheney:

...And the widespread image of him as some sort of villain is sick. Sick.

For decades, Cheney was one of the most respected Republicans in the country. Respected by all sides and factions. This was true when he was with Ford, when he was a House member (and leader), when he was defense secretary. John Tower’s nomination went down, Bush (41) turned to Cheney, and everyone said “Hurrah.” You never heard a bad word about Dick Cheney. He was the ultimate in the sober, sensible, responsible politician-statesman.

But now he’s viewed as a right-wing monster: a Torquemada or Attila the Hun. What the heck happened? I put this question, about image, to Cheney himself. (Kate interjected, “I’m surprised he’s allowed to live near preschools.”)

Didn't click the link above to get the wise man's response? Then read it all here. A western gentleman. Hard to find mention of the breed anymore.

Update: Weekly Standard and here.
PS Miss Lewinsky did rise from kneeling pawn of a Peyronied, small-time con-artist fluke leader to standing graduate of the London School of Economics. Uh huh. Top that you losers.

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