Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Aurora Borealis

UPDATE I: Here's Robert Stacy McCain's Wednesday morning longer take on his visit to see Mr. & Mrs. Todd Palin.

This from a Barr voter:
The Sarah Party
Posted by Robert Stacy McCain on 10.28.08 @ 8:20PM
SHIPPENSBURG, Pa. -- I've got news for the Christopher Buckleys of the world -- if Sarah Palin is enough to make you decide you're not a Republican, you're not a Republican.
I saw the Republican Party today, standing in line to see Palin at Shippensburg University. The line stretched for more than half a mile -- people waiting outside for hours on a windy 40-degree day -- and though the doors opened more than two hours before the event, security still wasn't able to get everyone through the metal detectors by the time the rally began. Let's see Buckley or Kathleen Parker or Ken Adelman draw a crowd like that.
If somehow John McCain pulls off a miracle Nov. 4, it will be in no small measure due to the excitement that Palin has brought to the ticket. Let the cynics attend a Palin event and try to imagine those crowds turning out for, inter alia, Tim Pawlenty.
And if Obama wins on Nov. 4, Palin immediately becomes the GOP front-runner for 2012. She'll be the No. 1 Republican fundraiser no matter what happens, and she'll be the star attraction at state-party events.
John McCain might have made dozens of mistakes in this campaign, but picking Sarah Palin was not one of them. If you don't like it, just go to a Palin rally and tell that to the people -- they'll tell you where to go from there.

Thanks, Other McCain. And yeah, here in LaLaLand it doesn't matter who I vote for and it's gonna be hard not to vote for Bob Barr, but surely and truly it's Governor Mrs. Todd Palin who's getting my vote. Jesus be a voting machine.

Mark Levin interviews Our Governor Mrs. Todd Palin on his radio show.

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