Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Fountainhead

Kondracke said, on Special Report this afternoon, that he's not "smart enough" to understand this economix stuff. "Well then off with your head," said Hume. 
Me? I don't understand it eye-thur. Not that I cannot grasp it, just that I haven't yet. Haven't tried. No gold coins buried in my back yard. No bullion in my bomb shelter -- yeah, there's a 60's era bomb shelter out back. Filled mostly with mosquitos and spiders.....I can only point to some dwindling digits in my 403B.
Wait. I'm factoring in Barney Frank perhaps it is understandable:

Look, I love Laura Bush, and her mother-in-law, and I like and admire and respect and am grateful to and for double-you (can you say NO fascist-Muslim attacks in/on America since nine one one?). 
But W ain't Laura or Barbara and he's hanging with Wall street princes and why should I trust these belted guys when they're bailing out 90's Clinton-crony-DNC-contributing BANKERS?  Can you say Gorelick? I can. Gorelick.
Look again. I cannot buy a home in coastal southern California. I accept that. 
I cannot buy a condo (by definition not a "home" in my book) here either -- hardworking and credit worthy though I am. 
I can barely buy a cabin in the woods. Or if I get one in California I could pay the mortgage but not the property taxes.
I ain't complaining or whining or wishing or hoping. I'm just saying. 
I'm propertyless even though many around me were purchasing unreal estate the past few years.  I did not even try in the past few years -- tho I may have qualified under current -- or recently current -- mortgage lender "guidelines." 
My estate is not real.
I cannot afford a west coast mortgage so I do not/did not paper myself fraudulently -- even though the frauds advertise on my favorite radio shows. Can you say talk radio?
Now we're bailing out my "neighbors?"
Effing eff that. Effing eff them.
My taxes are too high already 
And now, who is it, PKlein at American Spectator who says that Paulson intimates that college loans may be included in this BAILOUT.
Wait. Now you have my attention. Wait. Now I understand this bailout thing. Wait, now I approve. Good Job PauliePaul!
This thing could get me outta my last debt. God Bless President Bush. God Bless the Gang of I-don't-know-how-many-Senators-it-takes-to-socialize-my-undergraduate-daze.  
Hey. I have no credit card debts. I finished that madness. 
Hey, I have no car loans. I paid off my Ford Eskapay (spelled like Escape) and am rolling debt-free on two lane blacktop. 
And though I put my Masters degree on MasterCard, I paid that off in no time at all. 
But UNDERGRAD? I still owe for that. 
When Paulson intimates that college loans might be included in the "bailout," then suddenly my idiotic youthful socialist bent reasserts itself.

Think I'm kidding? I didn't make this up. Saw this on American Spectator:
Credit Cards and the Bailout - Tuesday, September 23, 2008 @ 5:38:08 PM
Another thing I should have mentioned about Paulson's testimony is that he left the door open for the possibility that in addition to mortgage securities, the bailout could include credit cards, student loans, and auto loans. (U.S. consumer debt -- excluding mortgages -- is $2.6 trillion.) While he wouldn't say so directly, he kept emphasizing that though troubled mortgage assets were the main problem, he'd want the flexibility to also purchase investments in other asset classes as part of the overall plan to restore liquidity to the market. This raises serious questions about the potential for mission creep that he didn't have a clear answer for today.
Posted By: Philip Klein

Hey, wasn't it Mrs. Barry Obama who said just days ago that I oughtta vote not cute, nope, I oughtta vote based on SELF INTEREST:

Every one's talking about her "cute" comment. That's not the tell. Her tell is: Self Interest. Self Interest? You could bail me out, buy me out, rescue me. Point our grave representatives in the direction of my tip jar while I vote self first.
Vote according to Self Interest? That isn't what her husband said before the assembled adorers in Denver. But, thank you for clearing that up Me-chelle Ayn Rand Obama. And thanks for the reminder. But I'm thinking I'll bail myself out.

(At what point did I start using ALL CAPS? Do forgive me.)

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