Knock it off.
Back to real life. They're stooges.
El bloggo find of the week season year:
I Own The World
One thing leading to another division:
Via Kill Truck
Via The Other McCain (how else?)
Trata a los demas como quisieras que te traten a ti.
Hugh Hewitt: A fine first year for the first lady
But Michelle Obama has had a very good year since her husband won the presidency in November 2008.
Turns out that, like the wonderful Laura Bush, Michelle Obama has become a largely apolitical, powerfully positive figure in public life. She has embraced child nutrition as a key cause, and this is a fight worth fighting.
Mrs. Obama has also set a great example as first mom, with the girls carefully and rightly screened from the peril of becoming unwilling pop icons and mini-celebrities. Her public appearances have been graceful and full of good humor.
With the president, she tried to bring the Olympics home to Chicago, and though the collapse of the American bid seems to have been preordained in retrospect, her willingness to do what she could to help in a high-risk, very public way was gutsy and admirable. A willingness to take some risks is a fine characteristic to model.
Here's the test: Are the nation's school kids looking at the first lady and seeing an example of class, style and learning? Are people from around the world seeing in the first lady a warm and welcoming representative of the country?
The answers throughout 2009 have been yes and yes, and that is a great thing as well as a fine beginning for Michelle Obama.
In fact, an Arkansas Leader study indicated that Huckabee helped free more prisoners from 1996 through 2004 than were freed in the six neighboring states — Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Oklahoma, Tennessee and Texas — combined.
None of the prosecutors were ever told why Huckabee felt compelled to have a hand in freeing so many prisoners, though all of them speculate that his deeply religious nature led to a strong belief in repentance and forgiveness. In some cases, prosecutors say, evangelical leaders attested that a prisoner had found Jesus and that seemed to influence the governor's thoughts.
by Capt. David Faggard
455th Air Expeditionary Wing Public Affairs
11/24/2009 - BAGRAM AIRFIELD, Afghanistan (AFNS) --
Gary Sinise and the Lieutenant Dan Band made their first appearance in Afghanistan performing for hundreds of Airmen, Soldiers, Sailors and Coast Guard members Nov. 23 here.
This visit is one in a long line of entertainment and celebrity visits to boost morale of servicemembers who are away from home and their loved ones during the holidays, said Col. Edward Shock, the Armed Forces Entertainment director.
That sentiment of thanking the troops during the holidays was echoed by the visitors.
I'm pretty sure I'm in love.
EarthRoamer XV-JP
Or EarthRoamer XV-L2
The Jeep Rubicon Unlimited based EarthRoamer XV-JP is designed to carry two adults on technical four-wheel drive trails to remote camping locations. Once in camp, the XV-JP's Loftop™ can be deployed to provide nearly 9 feet of interior stand up height and a queen-size bed in the loft. Underneath the cantilevered loft, the rear tent can be dropped down for an additional bug free living space. The XV-JP comes equipped with 25 gallons of fresh water capacity, an inside cassette toilet, inside shower, sink and cooking facilities. Plenty of light and ventilation is provided by an abundance of screened windows. An electric fan provides additional ventilation when needed and the forced air furnace will keep you cozy on cold nights and when winter camping.
Base price: $110,000. Add options such as the macho Walker Evans wheels, a CB radio, and Goodyear Wrangler MT/Rs that appear to have been lifted from a John Deere combine, and you’ll walk the plank to a 120-grand fare-thee-well.Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Rubicon
Who's protecting us?
Rough men or soft lawyers?
Okay. The comparison picture of the JAG officers has been removed from this post. You no longer get to do the visual comparison of the legal minds to the warrior minds. Not on this post. For several reasons.
Tho it was stated clearly that the pic we removed was of Minnesota lawyers, and it was stated clearly that it was used merely for the purpose of illustration, and it was stated clearly that the picture was used with due respect, that said, it may be true that comparing JAGS to SEALS is questionable.
Is it ever appropriate to compare lawyers to warriors? Nope. Not an apt comparison.
Navy SEALS may be compared to Navy SEALS, perhaps to Army Rangers, but not to lawyers.
Those JAG lawyers we had a picture of looked like good folk, looked a whole lot like us and our friends -- just saying -- and we never should have belittled them on here Boom3 -- or even appeared to belittle them -- in an attempt to express our awe for SEALS or our distain for the prosecution of SEALS that was occurring when this was posted last November.
An observant and annoyed reader (see comments) took us to task for several things in this post.
He questioned our ability to read, noting that the lawyers in the post about Navy JAG lawyers were really Army JAG lawyers. Not a big deal in our book, given the caveats of the post, and we gotta take his word on that.
But, his larger point was the more important point. JAG officers, no matter the branch of service, wear the uniform of the United States.
They serve our country.
They do so often at some sacrifice in their personal lives, they do so at some sacrifice to themselves and their loved ones.
That service must be honored.
That sacrifice must be respected.
At all times.
One ought not let one's distain for legalities or creeping political correctness or wrong-headed prosecutions of warriors -- who also have a job to do -- make one forget the service and sacrifice of these men and women in uniform. That was forgotten for a moment in this post.End of updatery.
However he got to this old post, thanks to our annoyed reader for calling it out in the middle of the night.
And as for the sitting on the couch part of his accusation, I don't even own a couch. But if I did, and if I were sitting on it in safety, I'd attribute that safety to the men and women in uniform, yes even JAG officers, and I'd continue to thank them daily in my actions, in my thoughts and in my prayers.
On the other hand, the picture of the real men is a United States Navy file photo of Navy SEALs operating in Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. From left to right, Sonar Technician (Surface) 2nd Class Matthew G. Axelson, of Cupertino, Calif; Senior Chief Information Systems Technician Daniel R. Healy, of Exeter, N.H.; Quartermaster 2nd Class James Suh, of Deerfield Beach, Fla.; Hospital Corpsman 2nd Class Marcus Luttrell; Machinist’s Mate 2nd Class Eric S. Patton, of Boulder City, Nev.; and Lt. Michael P. Murphy, of Patchogue, N.Y. With the exception of Luttrell, all were killed June 28, 2005, by enemy forces while supporting Operation Red Wing
____________________________Hmmmm. Navy Jag on FaceBook
Navy SEALs have secretly captured one of the most wanted terrorists in Iraq — the alleged mastermind of the murder and mutilation of four Blackwater USA security guards in Fallujah in 2004. And three of the SEALs who captured him are now facing criminal charges, sources told
The three, all members of the Navy's elite commando unit, have refused non-judicial punishment — called an admiral's mast — and have requested a trial by court-martial.
Ahmed Hashim Abed, whom the military code-named "Objective Amber," told investigators he was punched by his captors — and he had the bloody lip to prove it.
“This is not to say I believe Sarah Palin is a racist.”Which is, of course, exactly what he believes. Of Palin. And of those who gather to wish her well. Claiming he is is “profoundly disappointed” in her for allowing “some of the nation’s most painful wounds to be re-opened to advance her career,” Granderson uses the raaaaacism meme to advance his own career.
'Evil is too weak a word'
"The fabulously wealthy SPLC exaggerates the scope of racism to frighten donors into opening their wallets. SPLC is nominally a public interest law firm, but it spends little on actual litigation. Instead, it uses politically skewed definitions of racism to indoctrinate children while smearing conservatives who question racial preference programs. Evil is too weak a word to describe the Southern Poverty Law Center."
-- Matthew Vadum, Capital Research Center, and author of The Southern Poverty Law Center: A Twisted Definition of "Hate" (PDF)
The world divides between those who support American values of freedom and democracy, and those who seek to destroy them. Few nations have been more committed to supporting those values with both blood and treasure than Britain. This country, and especially those British troops fighting alongside their American counterparts, deserve far better than this president’s disregard."
Desperately seeking money to pay for the legislation, Mr. Reid came up with a new source of financing: a 5 percent tax on elective cosmetic medical procedures. The tax would be paid by patients, but collected by doctors and clinics and forwarded to the government.
The tax would be calculated as 5 percent of the amount paid for an elective cosmetic procedure, whether by the patient, insurance or other sources. The tax would not apply to cosmetic surgery for people with congenital abnormalities, disfiguring diseases or traumatic injuries.
Six (it took 6) Religon of Peace community organizers arrested over woman left to die in London streetSurprise, surprise:
The family of a young mother found dying in a street with serious head wounds and her right hand cut off has said she had 'lived in fear for months'.
Geeta Aulakh, who has two young sons, died four hours later in hospital from her horrific injuries.
Police later arrested her estranged husband, 31-year-old Harpreet Aulakh, along with five other "men."
Mrs Aulakhwas on her way home from her job as a receptionist at community radio station Sunrise Radio when she was attacked.
Yes this is worth 10 minutes of your life.
So, unlike our nation's top lawyer, Graham has a clue about the Law of War.And Clifton B, over at Another Black Conservative says Lindsey Graham Stumps Eric Holder ... OUCH:
There would be no sin in Eric Holder just admitting that he's inexperienced in the topic, and seeking advice from people who know more. Senator Graham, for example.
This business of just Making Crap Up, when there is so much at stake, is dereliction of duty.
This is another example of the inconsistency of Lindsey Graham. He can deliver a well thought out line of questioning like this one minute and then support complete idiocy like Cap and Trade the next. It is this unpredictability why Graham should go bye-bye in 2014.I'm thinking it's not that difficult to stump Erik Malik Holder. Frank Rich stumped him; America, that nation of cowards stumps him; even Columbian terrorists and Chiquita bananas stump this affirmative actioned useful idiot.
Why do they hate her? Because Sarah Palin is guilty of a sin for which liberals can never forgive a Republican: She's more popular than they are. And everybody knows it.
One of the things I enjoyed was how Sarah took the high road with Levi Johnston. Palin showed forgiveness and pity for Levi. If Levi continues his smear job against Sarah (you just know he will), Levi will find himself even more ostracized than before. After all how can you continue to bad mouth someone who is willing to break bread with you over Thanksgiving dinner? Look for Levi to implode in the very near future.I pity the Levi.
KSM Collects His First VirginLet's repeat: "A man would have held a press conference and announced it and defended his stand."
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed collected the first of his 72 virgins: Barack Obama.
This child — this spoiled brat who has been handed everything — who has never held a job — who has been told all his life how wonderful he is — who accepts no responsibility at all for anything — who blames others for all his problems — whose only accomplishment in life is not being George Bush — got rolled.
Big time.
President Obama’s decision to try KSM as if he were a purse-snatcher bares once and for all shows how shallow our president is. He is ignorant of history and of legal precedent. He would rather draw down the U.S. security forces to protect KSM so that KSM can have the world stage in New York City than trust his own military to try the man. The same military justice system that covers those soldiers he praised a few days ago should be good enough for this scum sucker, KSM.
My final comment: Obama is a coward. A man would have held a press conference and announced it and defended his stand. He is in Asia instead. The media vetted Joe the Plumber better than the man who is now president. The result is feeble attempts to bully critics, a refusal to acknowledge the loyal opposition and a dithering foreign policy.
As we will always be grateful for what George and Laura Bush did this week, with no media attention, when they very quietly went to Ft. Hood and metpersonally with the families of the victims of this terrorist attack.
The Bushes went and met privately with these families for HOURS, hugging them, holding them, comforting them.
If there are any of you out there with any connection at all to the Bushes, we implore you to give them our thanks…you tell them that a bunch of gay Hillary guys in Boystown, Chicago were wrong about the Bushes…and are deeply, deeply sorry for any jokes we told about them in the past, any bad thoughts we had about these good, good people.
On other matters, I was recently flicking my car radio dial and heard an affected British voice tinkling out on NPR. I assumed it was some fussy, gossipy opera expert fresh from London. To my astonishment, it was Richard Dawkins, the thrice-married emperor of contemporary atheists. I had never heard him speak, so it was a revelation. On science, Dawkins was spot on -- lively and nimble. But on religion, his voice went "Psycho" weird (yes, Alfred Hitchcock) -- as if he was channeling some old woman with whom he was in love-hate combat. I have no idea what ancient private dramas bubble beneath the surface there. As an atheist who respects and studies religion, I believe it is fair to ask what drives obsessive denigrators of religion. Neither extreme rationalism nor elite cynicism are adequate substitutes for faith, which fulfills a basic human need -- which is why religion will continue to thrive in our war-torn world.
His terrorist motive is obvious to everyone but the press and the Army brass.
What is hard to ignore, now, is the growing derangement on all matters involving terrorism and Muslim sensitivities. Its chief symptoms: a palpitating fear of discomfiting facts and a willingness to discard those facts and embrace the richest possible variety of ludicrous theories as to the motives behind an act of Islamic terrorism. All this we have seen before but never in such naked form. The days following the Fort Hood rampage have told us more than we want to know, perhaps, about the depth and reach of this epidemic.
Duck fiversity.
Posted by Lee Hartsfeld at 9:48 PMHartsfeld quotes the offending -- to him -- passages within his little quiz, but does not link to the piece. Perhaps I'll find it later to verify. Perhaps you will.
Sunday, November 08, 2009
Piece on Nidal Malik Hasan
I just read a charming piece about Nidal Malik Hasan, the Fort Hood shooter. Your job is to guess where I found it.
Now, if that's the progressive take on Hasan, I think I can live without hearing the conservative version....
This past weekend, Americans were treated to two completely different profiles in class.
First there was former president George W. Bush. On Friday night, George and Laura Bush traveled by car to Fort Hood to meet with the devastated families of last week’s tragedy. They specifically asked the base commander not to alert the press, and spent hours simply doing what they could to comfort the grief-stricken families.
The story was eventually uncovered, as these moments tend to be, but clearly President Bush did not see this as a personal opportunity, nor did he want to upstage the current president. The former president saw his interactions with wounded soldiers and their families as private moments.
While President Bush was at Fort Hood consoling the victims of real radical extremism, President Obama was in Washington calling American families who don’t support his health-care plan “extremists.” A more enlightening profile of the two men could not be found.
Multiple sources are now
reporting a shooting at
Fort Hood Army base,
near Killeen, TX.
Seven are confirmed dead,
and twelve (update: 20 wounded)
others are reported wounded.
-Ron "Red" Dellums tax-cheatPrevious tax cheats in the news:
-Al Franken tax-cheatThe disciples of tax and spend. Makes me miss the good-heartedly, quaintly innocent Linda Chavez.
-Charlie Rangle tax-cheat
-Caroline Kennedy tax-cheatress
Bonus Kennedy Nanny link here. And here. Thanks, Rosa.
-Timothy Geitner tax-cheat
-Tom Daschle tax-cheat
-Kathleen Sebelius tax-cheatress
-Nancy Killefer tax-cheatresss
-Hilda Solis tax-cheatress
-Ron Kirk tax-cheat
-Keith Olberman tax-cheat
SC registered"I'm sorry about what I've done.Democratsex offender gets 3 years in prison for sex with horse
Nov 4 01:57 PM US/Eastern
CONWAY, S.C. (AP) - A South CarolinaObama voterhorse lover caught on video having sexwith a horse was sentenced Wednesday to three years in prison after pleading guilty for the second time in two years to abusing the creature.
Rodell Vereen was also ordered never to go near the stable where the horse's owner caught him and held him for authorities at shotgun point over the summer. He apologized to the woman and to himself after admitting to buggery at the Horry County courthouse.
"I'm sorry about what I've done. I didn't mean to do it. It's my fault. I'm sorry for what I've done to myself," Vereen said during Wednesday's court hearing.
Vereen was arrested
in July after Barbara Kenley caught him entering the barn at Lazy B Stables in Longs, about 20 miles northeast of Myrtle Beach. She had been staking out the stable for more than a week after setting up a surveillance camera and videotaping Vereen's assault on her 21-year-old horse named Sugar.
Previous essential Yon here, here and here.Great Britain Loses one of its Finest
03 November 2009
British soldiers at war are an incredible group. Courageous, competent, and committed in very difficult conditions. An email came today from London, from a BBC correspondent who has been to Afghanistan saying that Staff Sergeant Olaf Schmid had been killed.
According to the Oxford Mail,
Lt Col Robert Thomson, the commanding officer of the 2 Rifles Battle Group, said: “Staff Sgt Oz Schmid was simply the bravest and most courageous man I have ever met."
“Under relentless IED and small arms attacks, he stood taller than the tallest. He opened the Pharmacy Road and 24 hours later, found 31 IEDs in one go on route Sparta. Every single company in 2 Rifles adored working with him."